
   Our Plans Gold – All Courses & Updates & Coaching
Silver –  Courses & Updates Only  Bronze – High Yield / High Risk Programs (only)
Cryptocurrency Quick Start Course Yes, 2year access. Yes, 1 year access. Yes, 1 year access.
High Yield / High Risk Courses  Yes, 2 year access. Yes, 1 year access. Yes, 1 year access.
Unlimited Access To All Courses
(includes High, Medium & Low Risk Trading Courses)     
Yes, 2 year access + discounts for renewal. Yes, 1 year access.
Introductions to Professional Traders & Programs Yes.
Course Updates & Product Notifications     Yes, 2 year access. Yes, 1 year access.  Yes, 1 year access.
Online Technical Support
(during office hours only)
Yes, 2 year access.  Yes, 1 year access, limited to technical issues regarding account. Yes, 1 year access, limited to technical issues regarding account.
One on One Coaching Yes. 2 hours comes with the course. More hours may be purchased. Hours may be purchased. Hours may be purchased.
Weekly Community Meetings Yes, 2 year access.
Access to New Courses as they are Published.    Yes, 2 year access.  Yes, 1 year access.
Can Become Reseller of the Courses Yes.  Yes. Yes.

Examples of Current Products & Serivices



(Risk levels are from 0 to 10 where 10 is the highest risk)
Cryptocurrency Quick Start
In this course you will learn the basics about cryptocurrency that will enable you to buy, trade, send and cash out of cryptocurrency. Whether you have experience in cryptocurrency or you have no experience this course is designed to save time and educate you quickly.
High Yield High Risk Trading Methods
In this course you will learn strategies that combine several automated cryptocurrency trading platforms to earn between 2.5% to 10% per week or more in passive income.  Traders can start these systems in less than one day of training and run the methods with less than 15 minutes of time per week. Risk Levels for these methods are between 7-10.
Liquidity Pool Trading
In this course you will learn ways to enter and exit cryptocurrency liquidity pools. Traders can earn 10% per month of passive income with less than one hour of time per week.  Higher rates can be earned using by spending more time. Risk Levels for these methods are between 3-5.
Introductions to Private Traders Our course will make introductions to exclusive, private investment clubs and traders whose trading records average 20% per month on behalf of their clients. Risk Levels for these traders are between 5-7.
Support Community Calls where members can all and ask questions weekly. Daily online support during office hours. One on one coaching sessions.
Coming Soon Institutional Artificial Intelligence Funds Management Project, Crypto Call Groups, Forex Trading Systems that work, Finding & Mixing Automated Signals. Risk Levels for these programs vary between 1-10.

1. Unlimited Access.
Access to all Courses and Methods that we publish for 4 years after signup. These courses contain the specific details that our traders use to generate real, passive income from Trading Financial Markets & Products.  Each course is designed specifically to provide enough detail for viewers to use the tools and methods themselves if they choose.  These courses contain top quality premium content that is designed to adequately inform viewers about risks and enable students to take action quickly without wasting their time
2. Discounts for Continuing Membership.
After the 4 years of membership Gold members  can extend their memberships at deep discounts to the retail price at that time.
3. One on One Coaching by Voice.
Members will have access to up to 2 hours of one on one coaching and assistance during our office hours if they need help to get setup.  Sessions are provided in 10 minute increments and additional one on one coaching time can be purchased if desired.
4. Online Technical Support.
Members will have access to technical support during office hours online where they can type their questions in an interactive session or use email.
5. Weekly Community Meetings.
Members will be able to join our private weekly meetings and ask whatever questions they like and speak directly to our course managers and expert traders.
6. Notifications about New Opportunities.
Because we are in the business of Trading and vetting trading methods, we sometimes come across viable short term opportunities and Gold Members will receive notifications of these kinds of special opportunities along with notifications or additions to our entire course content.
7. Reseller Opportunities.
Subject to approval, members will have the opportunity to become resellers of our training programs themselves and make passive income by simply recommending our courses.